Homo faber: artifex suae fortunae

Diario di bordo di Giancarlo Nicoli, titolare della Artifex. Sono qui ospitati: pensieri, aggiornamenti, notizie, progetti relativi alla casa editrice e al suo sito internet.

Località: Italy

18 agosto 2008

Ex libris competition rules: International Contest for Ex Libris, Short stories and Sculptures 'The Enchanted Wood'

Themes: "God Tammuz, Myth of the Seasons" and ...Sacred and Profane"

(from the press release)


Once again we wish to focus on this fairy-tale world in proposing the 2009 edition of the competition entitled "Il Bosco Stregato" (The Enchanted Wood). Certain innovations have been made with respect to the past.


Art. 1 - Solstizio d' Estate Onlus is organizing the International Competition, open to everyone, "Il Bosco Stregato":

a) Unpublished Ex Libris on the theme: "The God Tammuz, Myth of the Seasons"
In the ancient Babylon the God Tammuz represented youth, prosperity and the mystery of life when it awakes, in spring, after the long winter sleep. His fulfilment is his faithful wife Istar, goddess of (...)
