Homo faber: artifex suae fortunae

Diario di bordo di Giancarlo Nicoli, titolare della Artifex. Sono qui ospitati: pensieri, aggiornamenti, notizie, progetti relativi alla casa editrice e al suo sito internet.

Località: Italy

15 aprile 2008

Ex libris competition rules: 2nd Lefkas International Trienale Ex Libris

from the press release

On the occasion of the 2008 Speech and Art Events of the Municipality of Lefkas, the Communal Cultural Center has decided the production of the 2nd International Trienale Ex Libris during the Events, in August 2008.

The island of Lefkas with its rich cultural tradition and remarkable spiritual inheritance continues - despite the difficulties - this institution.

We would like to remind you that charter members of this effort are the Cultural Center of the Municipality of Lefkas, the Lefkadian Engraver Yiannis Gourzis and the Votary of arts-Collector Vassilis Zevgolis.

The theme of Trienale is "Music".

The exhibits will be presented in the exhibition halls of the Municipality of Lefkas in August 2008 and afterwards in several events held by the Municipality in Lefkas as well as other Halls in Greece.

Terms of Participation

1. Each artist can participate by sending up to three ex libris works in three copies each. The works have to be signed, numbered and the year of their creation has to be mentioned on them. Apart from the phrase "ex libris" inside the picture, a name of a living owner for whom the ex libris has been created must be mentioned.

2. The size of printed paper cannot exceed A5 (21 cm x 14.5 cm).

3. The techniques which will be acceptable are those of authentic engraving excluding photographical and electronic methods.

4. The participants are kindly requested - if it is possible- to include in their theme the phrase "Lefkada" or "Lefkada 2008".

5. Participation is achieved (...)
