Homo faber: artifex suae fortunae

Diario di bordo di Giancarlo Nicoli, titolare della Artifex. Sono qui ospitati: pensieri, aggiornamenti, notizie, progetti relativi alla casa editrice e al suo sito internet.

Località: Italy

08 aprile 2008

Ex libris competition rules: De Libera Universitate

rom the press release

The University of Insubria Board, in collaboration with A.I.E. (Italian Ex Libris Association), advertises the International Ex Libris Competition, the theme is: De Libera Universitate (University and Freedom).

University of Insubria was established on 14th July 1998. It has its seat in Varese and Como, cities which both are on the hedge of a lake and close to the mountains called Prealpi. The University is named after the ancient toponym indicating this territory “INSUBRIA”.

Competirion rules

1) The Competition is open to all artists. Participation is free of charge.

2) Only entries made using the traditional techniques of the original graphic art (chalcography, xylography, lithography) will be accepted for the Competition. Entries made using other techniques will not be evaluated in the Competition.

3) The Ex Libris entries should:
- represent the theme of the Competition: De libera Universitate;
- be printed on paper no larger than (...)
