Homo faber: artifex suae fortunae

Diario di bordo di Giancarlo Nicoli, titolare della Artifex. Sono qui ospitati: pensieri, aggiornamenti, notizie, progetti relativi alla casa editrice e al suo sito internet.

Località: Italy

26 settembre 2007

Catalogue showcase: Art and the Printing Press 2007

Title: L'Arte e il Torchio 2007
Curator: Vladimiro Elvieri
Purchase price: n.a.
Data: 188p. – ill. – in 4° - in Italian and English
Year : 2007
Publisher : Adafa
ISBN: n.d.

(by G.N.)

Artifex devoted many articles to this edition of the biennal L'Arte e il Torchio (Art and the Printing Press) 2007 (links follow: invitation - in English -, gli ex libris e la letteratura europea, omaggio a Stanley William Hayter, incisori bulgari contemporanei - all in Italian only).

Now a quick description of the catalogue, whose curator is Vladimiro Elvieri. After customary pages, that contains aknowledgements and thanks to sponsor and personailities, and that present the catalogue content, we find the salutation by Gian Carlo Corada and Gianfranco Berneri, respectively Mayor and Culture Representative of Cremona.

Then there's the salutation by Giorgio Fouqué, president of A.D.A.F.A. (Associazione d'Arte, Famiglia Artistica). An essay by professor Dino Formaggio follows. Again, a presentation by Vladimiro Elvieri, that we reproduce below.

Desirée Hayter and Robert Marteau describe (...)
