Catalogue showcase: Premio Acqui - 8th Biennale Internazionale per l'Incisione 2007
(by G.N.)
Artifex devoted many articles to this edition of Premio Acqui (links follow: invitation, opening day - in Italian, lesson by prof. Paolo Bellini- also in Italian only).
Now a quick description of the catalogue. Ms.Patti Uccelli Perelli is the curator of the catalogue. After the aknowledegments of a high number of persons and institutions that contributed to the Biennale in various forms, we find the salutation by Vincenzo Roffredo and Danilo Rapetti, respectively Culture Representative and Mayor of Acqui Terme.
Then there's the index, and the Introduction by Giuseppe Avignolo, which we reproduce after the showcase.
Elena Pontiggia, art historian, teacher at the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera, tells us about "Picasso and the Metamorphoses". Then there's the report from the jury. The catalogue shows all the participant artists, ordered alphabetically by surname.
There's then the iconographic part, with the reproduction of the winning engravings and the profiles of the respective authors. After that we find the reproductions of the selected works, with a short profile (...)
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