Homo faber: artifex suae fortunae

Diario di bordo di Giancarlo Nicoli, titolare della Artifex. Sono qui ospitati: pensieri, aggiornamenti, notizie, progetti relativi alla casa editrice e al suo sito internet.

Località: Italy

11 settembre 2007

Competition rules: The '2008 Remo Palmirani Prize'

(from the press release)

1) The Ex Libris Mediterraneo Museum of Ortona (Chieti, Italy), in cooperation with “Progetti Farnesiani” and the heirs of Remo Palmirani, has instituted the second “Remo Palmirani Prize”.
The “Ex Libris Museum”, the “Italo Zetti” Foundation and the “Solstizio d’Estate” Association are also taking part in the initiative.
The award ceremony is sponsored by Regione Abruzzo, Provincia di Chieti and Comune di Ortona.
The following associations have also provided their support: Asociación Andaluza de Exlibristas (Spain), AIE Italian Ex Libris Association, Centro studi Bogliasco, Oesterreichische Exlibris Gesellschaft (Austria), International Biennial of Engraving - Acqui Prize.

2) The competition is open to all artists. Participants are not requested to realize any new ex libris. They are allowed to take part with an already submitted ex libris, provided that it displays the name of the owner or the institution. This year’s theme is “Medicine in all its facets”. Artists can take part with two ex libris maximum. All techniques are allowed with the exception of drawings, photocopies and photographs.

3) Dissemination of these rules will be made trough the museum’s website. Interested artists, FISAE, foreign Associations and specialised magazines will be informed by letter and e-mail directly by the Museum.

4) Each ex-libris submitted must be accompanied by the following information: artist’s name, surname, address and nationality; technique used, opus number, year of execution. Artists can also add their e-mail address, a short English or Italian curriculum vitae along with a brief description of the work submitted.

5) A signed copy of each work submitted must be sent by April 30th, 2008 to: (...)
