Fine della corsa (per il blog).
Cari lettori,
poiché ho introdotto l'uso di WordPress come sistema di gestione del sito Artifex, l'uso del presente blog è divenuto inutile, pertanto esso non sarà più aggiornato.
Vi do appuntamento sulle pagine del rinnovato sito Artifex.
Cordiali saluti,
Giancarlo Nicoli
poiché ho introdotto l'uso di WordPress come sistema di gestione del sito Artifex, l'uso del presente blog è divenuto inutile, pertanto esso non sarà più aggiornato.
Vi do appuntamento sulle pagine del rinnovato sito Artifex.
Cordiali saluti,
Giancarlo Nicoli
Oh My goodness Giancarlo
It is so difficult to find a way to contact you. I saw a notice on the ArtifexLibris website about a MINIPRINT KIEV posted a few months ago. I emailed them to find out some more information and had not reply.
Please - Do you have any further information about the people organizing this event. There is no name of an organization or person mentioned in the address, where one posts the miniprints.
It is very vague. Have you any suggestions.
I wanted to join you forum on Artifex but could not see a page where I could register?
thank you
Aine Scannell
ps sorry I do not speak Italian only a small amount of Spanish and French.
An easier way to contact me is from the home page ( there's a link to the "Info" page.
At the bottom there's the email address.
Regarding the MiniPrint International of Kiev, I only know what I published. The email address they provided should be working. Why didn't they answer? I don't know.
I think you might try to write them via snail mail.
The forum is currently disabled - you can read previous posts but you cannot register - because of serious problems with spammers and fake registrations- They exploit a weakness in the software. I should upgrade, but I don't have time to.
I'll completely change software, as soon as I'll have some spare time to.
Best regards,
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