Homo faber: artifex suae fortunae

Diario di bordo di Giancarlo Nicoli, titolare della Artifex. Sono qui ospitati: pensieri, aggiornamenti, notizie, progetti relativi alla casa editrice e al suo sito internet.

Località: Italy

23 gennaio 2008

New year wishes: Artifex wishes you and your families a happy and prosper 2008

Dear readers,
the year 2007 has already passed rather quickly.

I’d like to thank everyone of you for your continuous support to the site and to the initiatives we bring to you. On a particular note, the new feature, “Donations of ex libris and free graphics”, is getting a huge success, well beyond expectations: we get a lot of page views and a lot of donations: it’s even difficult to publish all we receive.
I wish to stress that we publish artists’ graphics for free.
Thanks to all.

Artifex enjoyed a good year. We got 20 per cent more page views, we got more ad revenues from Goggle AdSense – the projection is encouraging. We reinvest every ad money into the content and services of the website.

Subscribers to the newsletters – this one and the Italian-language counterpart – also are on the rise.
I remind that the newsletters are free and I thank those who undertake the trouble of forwarding them to friends and acquaintances. In this regard, I’d like to encourage those that get the newsletter forwarded to subscribe: the subscription in free, easy, and we do not ask for personal data. To subscribe, just send a blank email to: artifex_en-subscribe@yahoogroups.com. Thanks again for your preference.

The year 2008 will see new developments: we are at the last stages about the “Manifesto per l'ex libris del bibliofilo”, which we hope to have translated in English soon. The catalogue – which is being written both in English and Italian languages – and the first exhibition are coming.

Dear readers, Artifex exists because you stand by us. I encourage you to submit your ideas and wishes: if possible, we’ll try hard to realize them. The website and the newsletter are at you service! Please use this page to get in touch with us.

Thank you very much for your continuous support.
I wish you and your families a happy and prosper 2008.

With very kind regards,
Giancarlo Nicoli
