Ex libris competition rules: International Competition Ex Libris called by Arti Grafiche Colombo

Invitation to the International Competition “Ex Libris” Arti Grafiche Colombo.
(from the press release)
Within the ambit of the celebrations for the fiftieth anniversary of activity, Arti Grafiche Colombo invites you to participate in the International Competition for Ex Libris’ Artists.
Just please scroll down: you will find the Competition’s regulations with all the useful references for the participation. The requests for the participation must arrive within April 2009.
For more detailed information about Arti Grafiche Colombo please visit the web site ww.agc.it
Un carattere che lascia il segno “50 per inciso”
Article 1 - Theme and text for the elaboration of the works of art
The Ex Libris’ theme for the participation to the competition must be pertinent to the typography’s environment, typographical materials and instruments, personages during the
old times and nowadays.
The Ex Libris must show the following indication:
All the works of arts which will participate to the competition must bear a strict relation with the proposed theme.
Article 2 - Participants
To the competition can participate the works of art made by artists of all nationalities.
The participation to the competition is free.
The only techniques allowed are: Xylography and Chalcography. The photomechanical techniques will be (...)
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